Akashic Records Reading - Single Session

60- Minute Akashic Records Experience $200

Are you ready for more ‘I can’t believe this is my life’ moments?

Join me for this 60-minute Akashic Records experience where we’ll tap into the story of your soul, and what you came here to do. We’ll use the Records to uncover grounded guidance and perspective about your soul, so you have the inspiration and insight to go after what you really want.

What to Expect

A rich meaningful conversation that is all about YOU.

insights and clarity about any area of your life (i.e. Career, love, Purpose) from the perspective of your soul.


The Akashic Records are like a google search for the story of your soul. You bring the topics, and I’ll help you connect to the truest part of you, and the life you know you’re made for.

The Akashic Records hold the energy of every soul and its journey…including yours! The system is like a google search for your soul, and through it we can explore the story of your soul, and everything it has experienced, learned or been in relationship with since inception.

Through the Records we’ll connect to the truest part of you with the ultimate goal to bring you greater clarity, understanding, or peace about an area of your life. The Records are one tool - of many great ones out there - to help you cultivate a greater understanding, and acceptance of yourself and the big dreams, goals, and mission you have in this lifetime.

Learn About The Experience

  • The Akashic Records hold the energy of every soul and its journey…including yours! The system is like a google search for your soul, and through it we can explore the story of your soul, and everything it has experienced, learned or been in relationship with since inception.

    Through the Records we’ll connect to the truest part of you with the ultimate goal to bring you greater clarity, understanding, or peace about an area of your life. The Records are one tool - of many great ones out there - to help you cultivate a greater understanding, and acceptance of yourself and the big dreams, goals, and mission you have in this lifetime.

    One caveat: The Akashic Records are not predictive or fortune-telling, meaning, we won’t connect to direct dates or times (ex. Will I meet my true love in 6 months?). The Records emphasize the power of your free will, and the possibilities that exist when you take full accountability of your life.

  • My clients tell me readings are expansive, heart-opening, and joyful. My style, and the reading experience I bring, is deep, meaningful, and fun. You can expect a safe space, and rich conversation that may feel akin to what it would be like to sit down with yourself for a glass of red wine or a warm cup of tea.

    I will say a prayer to open the Records, and from there will begin sharing insights. It will feel like we are just having a conversation all about you…and your highest good.

    During readings I often hear things like ‘I was just thinking about that,’ or ‘that is extremely validating to something that has been on my heart/mind.’ I find the Records will always give us exactly what we need at the moment…nothing more, nothing less. Clients often tell me they feel lighter, and full of possibility post reading experience.

  • The Records help us make the unseen guidance and insight from our spirit guides, ancestors, and all energy, more material. You may pursue a reading if you’re looking to gain insight, peace, or guidance about any area of your life…from the perspective of your soul. Example topics we can explore together include: career / career shifts, love life, life purpose, business, or any topic that is on your mind and heart.

    A reading can provide a fresh perspective or insights to look at something in a new way, or to connect the dots on things you may have already been pondering. A reading is provided for educational, informational, and entertainment purposes only and does not constitute providing medical advice or professional services. The information provided should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, and those seeking medical advice should consult with a doctor or other qualified healthcare provider.

  • The two biggest things to bring to a session are your presence, and an open mind. Do your best to set yourself up in a quiet space where you won’t be interrupted.

    In advance of the session, reflect on a topic (or a few) you’re interested in exploring. We can look into relationships, career, health, money, creative expression, family, purpose, or any area that sparks you - the sky's the limit. There’s no question too big or small for us to investigate. You do not need to share your topics in advance, please just come ready with them for our session.

    Please know, I will request your full legal name (like what appears on your passport or a legal document) for the reading. This is the ‘energetic key’ that enables us to access your Records.

    Lastly, and most importantly, I encourage my clients to use discernment during a session, meaning take what resonates, and leave the rest. The Records emphasize the concepts of free will, and personal accountability, and this is the space I create.

Check out what people are saying about the experience, here